Source code for transfer_nlp.plugins.config

This file contains all necessary plugins classes that the framework will use to let a user interact with custom models, data loaders, etc...

The Registry pattern used here is inspired from this post:
import inspect
import json
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Union, Any, Optional

import ignite.metrics as metrics
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from smart_open import open

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'CrossEntropyLoss': nn.CrossEntropyLoss,
    'BCEWithLogitsLoss': nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss,
    "Adam": optim.Adam,
    "SGD": optim.SGD,
    "AdaDelta": optim.Adadelta,
    "AdaGrad": optim.Adagrad,
    "SparseAdam": optim.SparseAdam,
    "AdaMax": optim.Adamax,
    "ASGD": optim.ASGD,
    "LBFGS": optim.LBFGS,
    "RMSPROP": optim.RMSprop,
    "Rprop": optim.Rprop,
    "ReduceLROnPlateau": optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau,
    "MultiStepLR": optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR,
    "ExponentialLR": optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR,
    "CosineAnnealingLR": optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR,
    "LambdaLR": optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR,
    "ReLU": nn.functional.relu,
    "LeakyReLU": nn.functional.leaky_relu,
    "Tanh": nn.functional.tanh,
    "Softsign": nn.functional.softsign,
    "Softshrink": nn.functional.softshrink,
    "Softplus": nn.functional.softplus,
    "Sigmoid": nn.Sigmoid,
    "CELU": nn.CELU,
    "SELU": nn.functional.selu,
    "RReLU": nn.functional.rrelu,
    "ReLU6": nn.functional.relu6,
    "PReLU": nn.functional.prelu,
    "LogSigmoid": nn.functional.logsigmoid,
    "Hardtanh": nn.functional.hardtanh,
    "Hardshrink": nn.functional.hardshrink,
    "ELU": nn.functional.elu,
    "Softmin": nn.functional.softmin,
    "Softmax": nn.functional.softmax,
    "LogSoftmax": nn.functional.log_softmax,
    "GLU": nn.functional.glu,
    "TanhShrink": nn.functional.tanhshrink,
    "Accuracy": metrics.Accuracy,

def register_plugin(clazz):
    if clazz.__name__ in CLASSES:
        raise ValueError(f"{clazz.__name__} is already registered to class {CLASSES[clazz.__name__]}. Please select another name")
        CLASSES[clazz.__name__] = clazz
        return clazz

[docs]class UnconfiguredItemsException(Exception): def __init__(self, items): super().__init__(f'There are some unconfigured items, which makes these items not configurable: {items}') self.items = items
[docs]class ConfigFactoryABC(ABC): @abstractmethod def create(self): pass
[docs]class ParamFactory(ConfigFactoryABC): """ Factory for simple parameters """ def __init__(self, param): self.param = param def create(self): return self.param
[docs]class PluginFactory(ConfigFactoryABC): """ Factory for complex objects creation """ def __init__(self, cls, param2config_key: Optional[Dict[str, str]], *args, **kwargs): self.cls = cls self.param2config_key = param2config_key self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def create(self): return self.cls(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def _replace_env_variables(dico: Dict, env: Dict) -> None: """ Replace all occurrences of environment variable to particular strings :param dico: :param env: :return: """ env_keys = sorted(env.keys(), key=lambda k: len(k), reverse=True) def do_env_subs(v: Any) -> str: v_upd = v if isinstance(v_upd, str): for env_key in env_keys: v_upd = v_upd.replace('$' + env_key, env[env_key]) if v_upd != v:'*** updating parameter %s -> %s', v, v_upd) return v_upd def recursive_replace(dico: Dict): for k, v in dico.items(): if not isinstance(v, dict) and not isinstance(v, list): v = do_env_subs(v) dico[k] = v elif isinstance(v, list) and all(not isinstance(vv, dict) and not isinstance(vv, list) for vv in v): upd = [] for vv in v: upd.append(do_env_subs(vv)) dico[k] = upd elif isinstance(v, dict): recursive_replace(dico[k]) else: pass recursive_replace(dico=dico)
[docs]class ExperimentConfig: def __init__(self, experiment: Union[str, Path, Dict], **env): """ :param experiment: the experiment config :param env: substitution variables, e.g. a HOME directory. generally use all caps. :return: the experiment """ self.factories: Dict[str, ConfigFactoryABC] = {} self.experiment: Dict[str, Any] = {} if isinstance(experiment, dict): config = dict(experiment) else: config = json.load(open(experiment)) _replace_env_variables(dico=config, env=env) # extract simple parameters"Initializing simple parameters:") for k, v in config.items(): if not isinstance(v, dict) and not isinstance(v, list):"Parameter {k}: {v}") self.experiment[k] = v self.factories[k] = ParamFactory(v) # extract simple lists"Initializing simple lists:") for k, v in config.items(): if isinstance(v, list) and all(not isinstance(vv, dict) and not isinstance(vv, list) for vv in v):"Parameter {k}: {v}") self.experiment[k] = v self.factories[k] = PluginFactory(list, None, v) for k in self.experiment: del config[k] self._build_items(config) def _do_recursive_build(self, object_key: str, object_dict: Dict, default_params_mode: int, parent_level: str):"Configuring {object_key}") if '_name' not in object_dict: raise ValueError(f"The object {object_key} should have a _name key to access its class") class_name = object_dict['_name'] clazz = CLASSES.get(class_name) if not clazz: raise ValueError( f'Object of class {object_dict["_name"]} is not registered. see transfer_nlp.config.register_plugin for more information') spec = inspect.getfullargspec(clazz.__init__) params = {} param2config_key = {} named_params = {p: pv for p, pv in object_dict.items() if p != '_name'} default_params = {p: pv for p, pv in zip(reversed(spec.args), reversed(spec.defaults))} if spec.defaults else {} for arg in spec.args[1:]: if arg == 'experiment_config': params[arg] = self param2config_key[arg] = arg elif arg in named_params: value = named_params[arg] if isinstance(value, dict): if '_name' in value: value = self._do_recursive_build(object_key=arg, object_dict=value, default_params_mode=default_params_mode, parent_level=parent_level + "." + arg) else: for item in value: if isinstance(value[item], dict): value[item] = self._do_recursive_build(object_key=item, object_dict=value[item], default_params_mode=default_params_mode, parent_level=parent_level + '.' + arg + '.' + item) else: # value[item] is either an object defined in a dictionary, or it's an already built object"{item} is already configured") elif isinstance(value, str) and value[0] == '$': if value[1:] in self.experiment:"Using the object {value}, already instantiated") value = self.experiment[value[1:]] else:"{value} not configured yet, will be configured in next iteration") else:"Using value {arg} / {named_params[arg]} from the config file") params[arg] = value param2config_key[arg] = value # For values that are not in named_params, we look first at the experiment dict, then at the defaults parameters elif arg in self.experiment: params[arg] = self.experiment[arg] param2config_key[arg] = arg elif default_params_mode == 1 and arg not in self.experiment and arg in default_params and default_params[arg] is not None: params[arg] = default_params[arg] param2config_key[arg] = None elif default_params_mode == 2 and arg in default_params: params[arg] = default_params[arg] param2config_key[arg] = None else: raise ValueError(f"{arg} is not a parameter from the {class_name} class") if len(params) == len(spec.args) - 1: self.factories[parent_level] = PluginFactory(cls=clazz, param2config_key=param2config_key, **params) return clazz(**params) else: raise ValueError("Unconfigured object") def _build_items_with_default_params_mode(self, config: Dict, default_params_mode: int): while config: configured = set() for object_key, object_dict in config.items(): try: self.experiment[object_key] = self._do_recursive_build(object_key, object_dict, default_params_mode=default_params_mode, parent_level=object_key) configured.add(object_key) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Cannot configure the item '{object_key}' yet, we need to do another pass on the config file") if configured: for k in configured: del config[k] else: if config: unconfigured = {k: v for k, v in config.items()} for item in unconfigured: class_name = unconfigured[item]['_name'] clazz = CLASSES.get(class_name) if not clazz: raise ValueError( f'The object class is named {unconfigured[item]["_name"]} but this name is not registered. see transfer_nlp.config.register_plugin for more information') spec = inspect.getfullargspec(clazz.__init__) named_params = {p: pv for p, pv in unconfigured[item].items() if p != '_name'} unconfigured[item] = {arg for arg in spec.args[1:] if arg not in self.experiment and arg not in named_params} raise UnconfiguredItemsException(unconfigured) def _build_items(self, config: Dict[str, Any]): try:"Initializing complex configurations ignoring default params:") self._build_items_with_default_params_mode(config, 0) except UnconfiguredItemsException as e: pass try:"Initializing complex configurations only filling in default params not found in the experiment:") self._build_items_with_default_params_mode(config, 1) except UnconfiguredItemsException as e: pass try:"Initializing complex configurations filling in all default params:") self._build_items_with_default_params_mode(config, 2) except UnconfiguredItemsException as e: logging.error('There are unconfigured items in the experiment. Please check your configuration:') for k, v in e.items.items(): logging.error(f'"{k}" missing properties:') for vv in v: logging.error(f'\t+ {vv}') raise e def _check_init(self): if self.experiment is None: raise ValueError('experiment config is not setup yet!') # map-like methods def __getitem__(self, item): self._check_init() return self.experiment[item] def get(self, item, default=None): self._check_init() return self.experiment.get(item, default) def __iter__(self): self._check_init() return iter(self.experiment) def items(self): self._check_init() return self.experiment.items() def values(self): self._check_init() return self.experiment.values() def keys(self): self._check_init() return self.experiment.keys() def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise ValueError("cannot update experiment!")