Modeling Components

While the framework is flexible enough to deal with any kind of objects, here are some baseline components that you can use:


A model extends the PyTorch torch.nn.Module class. You only have to define implement the __init__ and the forward classes. Your model class will have hyperparameters (which are used at object creation), and parameters for the forward method (used when __call__ is called). The parameters that the forward method expects should match the parameters yield by the PyTorch batch iterator. For example:

import torch
from transfer_nlp.plugins.config import register_plugin

class MyClassifier(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim: int, ouput_dim: int):

        super(MyClassifier, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, input_tensor: torch.tensor):
        # Do complex transofmrations
        return result

In this example, you need to set your data loader to yield batches with the key “input_tensor”. If the forward method has default parameters that do not appear in the batch, they will be used, otherwise tyey will be replaced by the values from the batch


Optimizers allows for moving the model parameters in the direction of their gradients, following the strategy proper of a certain optimizer. The framework registry comes with all PyTorch optimizers so you should be good to go for most cases, e.g.:

experiment_config = {
                       "optimizer": {"_name": "Adam",
                                    "params": "model_params"

However, if you want to use a custom Optimizer, you need to extend the torch.optim.Optimizer class and register it to the registry. For example, if we want to use the optimizer used for BERT, we can use this implementation and register it like this:

class BertAdam(Optimizer):

    def __init__(self, params, lr=required, warmup=-1, t_total=-1, schedule='warmup_linear',
                 b1=0.9, b2=0.999, e=1e-6, weight_decay=0.01,

        super(BertAdam, self).__init__(params, defaults)
    def step(self, closure=None):
        # Compute the loss
        return loss

experiment_config = {
                       "optimizer": {"_name": "BertAdam",
                                    "params": "model_params"