

The essence of the framework is the class ExperimentConfig, a class which enables to define an experiment based on a json file. An experiment will contain all the components that you might need: - Data loader - Model - Optimizer - Trainer - …

Launching experiments from json config files has two main advantages:

  • reproducibility: when you are happy with the outcome of an experiment, the json file you used defines it entirely, so it is really easy to reproduce

  • ablation studies: when experimenting with new architectures, it is becoming a standards practice to assess the importance of some model components to the outcome.

Using json files facilitates this process, where you just have to remove some components from the json file and run the experiment again.

from transfer_nlp.plugins.config import ExperimentConfig

# Defining an experiment and starting the training pipeline
experiment_config = {...}  # Config dictionary with components defining your experiment
experiment = ExperimentConfig(experiment_config)

# Using the trained model to make predictions on some inputs
predictor = experiment['predictor']
json_input = {'inputs': []}
results = predictor.json_to_json(input_json=input_json)

Json file

The class ExperimentConfig has been designed so that an experiment can be instantiated from any kind of objects you might need. The experiment instantiator is able to deal with 3 kinds of inputs from the json files:

  • Simple parameters: these are simple user-defined values, such as:

experiment_config = {"lr": 0.01,
                   "seed": 1,
                   "num_epochs": 1}
  • simple lists: this is the same as simple parameters, but using lists, e.g.:

experiment_config = {"layer_sizes": [10, 50, 10]}
  • complex configuration: here you can instantiate an object from any class. The framework will require the json file to contain the name of the used class, e.g.:

experiment_config = {"lr": 0.01,
                   "model": {"_name": "MyClassifier"}}

When creating an instance of the class, ExperimentConfig will check for the hyperparameters. If it does not find them and the class defines default parameters, those will be used. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. So in this example if the MyClassifier class takes input_dim and output_dim as hyperparameters, you would define the experiment as:

experiment_config = {"input_dim": 10000,
                   "output_dim": 5,
                   "model": {"_name": "MyClassifier"}}


experiment_config = {"model": {"_name": "MyClassifier",
                   "input_dim": 10000,
                   "output_dim": 5}}

If one of your objects takes another complex object as initialization parameter, ExperimentConfig can build it recursively, e.g.:

experiment_config = {
"my_dataset_splits": {
"_name": "SurnamesDatasetMLP",
"data_file": "$HOME/surnames/surnames_with_splits.csv",
"batch_size": 128,
"vectorizer": {
  "_name": "SurnamesVectorizerMLP",
  "data_file": "$HOME/surnames/surnames_with_splits.csv"

The framework encourages the use of this nesting definition for clarity. However, in this example if the object vectorizer was needed to initialize another object in your experiment, you should isolate this multi-use object. Objects which will use it will call a reference to that object using the common $ notation. This enables to not defining different objects when we don’t need them.

experiment_config = {

  "common_object": {
  "_name": "MyCommonObject",
  "some_parameter": "foo/bar"
  "complex_object_A": {
"_name": "ComplexObjectA",
"common_object": "$common_object"
      "complex_object_B": {
"_name": "ComplexObjectB",
"common_object": "$common_object"

To let Transfer NLP know about your custom classes, you add them to a registry. The framework does not require using separate registries for some fixed set of components, such as Models, Optimizers, etc.. There is an only one registry of classes, where you need to add your custom classes to use the framework.

Let’s say you have a fancy model class that extends the PyTorch neural network module class. The only thing you need to do is add the class to the registry using the @register_plugin decorator:

import torch
from transfer_nlp.plugins.config import register_plugin

class MyClassifier(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim: int, ouput_dim: int):

        super(MyClassifier, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, input_tensor):
        # Do complex transofmrations
        return result

Finally, to enable the sharing of experiment configuration files, we can use environment variables for paths parameters, and the framework will automatically replace them:

experiment_config = {
"my_dataset_splits": {
"_name": "SurnamesDatasetMLP",
"data_file": "$HOME/surnames/surnames_with_splits.csv",
"batch_size": 128,
"vectorizer": {
  "_name": "SurnamesVectorizerMLP",
  "data_file": "$HOME/surnames/surnames_with_splits.csv"
experiment = ExperimentConfig(path, HOME=str(Path.home() / 'data'))  # Changes $HOME to a custom folder

Final thoughts

In the core design of Transfer NLP, the framework allows any kind of experiment to be instantiated, run, checkpointed, monitored, etc… The framework is not PyTorch-specific at its core, which make it easy to extend to objects using other machine learning backends such as tensorflow. Although the framework allows this flexibility, we will start focusing on PyTorch for next steps on our end. You are very welcome to contribute with Tensorflow building blocks to run easily-customizable experiments! In the long-run we hope that Transfer NLP becomes backend-agnostic and can enable any kind of ML experiments.